Sitting Bull = Thathanka Iyothanka = Taureau Assis
1 affiche :
- notice : Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
- notes :
- descriptif :
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[ texte ; montage photo (“Mount Rushmore National Memorial” où sont sculptées les têtes des présidents américains, avec la tête de Sitting Bull au dessus) ; logo campagne ]
- texte :
[logo] The native American revolution bicentennial : 1776-1976 - 200 years of resistance
“Always remember, your fathers never sold this land”
Old Joseph
This poster, entitled “Shrine of Hypocrisy” is f the US Mout Rushmore National Monument, joined by Sitting Bull surveying the scene. The Black Hills, where the monument is, were guaranteed to the Lakota People in the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 and as the quotation by Old Joseph (Chief Joseph’s father) says, the land was never sold to the US. This poster is one of a series published by Akwesasne Notes, and is avaible on heavy poster paper
Order from : Akwesasne Notes, Mohawk Nation, via Rooseveltown, NY 13683
[Shrine of Hypocrisy : Always remember, your fathers never sold this land]
[Shrine of Hypocrisy : Always remember, your fathers never sold this land]. — [S.l.] : Akwesasne Notes, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (deux : rouge , bleu , papier blanc ) ; 45 × 57 cm.
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