Katsiaficus, George
1 affiche :
- notice : Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
- notes :
- descriptif :
[ texte ; dessin (couple lisant, la nuit, des livres anarchistes, dans leur tente entourée de policiers anti-émeute, d’un chat et d’un raton-laveur ; et pensant « free ! ») ]
- texte :
Bound together books presents
The 17th annual Bay Areaanarchist bookfair
Saturday March 31st, 10 am - 6 pm
Sunday April 1et, 11 am - 5 pmSF County Fair Bldg — Golden Gate Park, @ Lincoln + 9th ave
Bike valet parking • kids space • Art show.
Speakers : Kim Stanley Robinson, Rudy Rucker, Scott Crow, Peter Linebaugh, Sasha Lilley, Selma James, George Katsiaficus, Alexander Akin, Iain Boal, Kenneth Wishnia
Panels : ‘Surrealism, Art And Anarchy’ - ‘Occupy the The Future Science Fiction Writers on Radical Visions of Tomorrow’ - ‘Love and Struggle : David Gilbert SDS, Weather Underground, On The 60s Underground’ - ‘Rad Dad’ - ‘West Of Eden : Communes and Utopia in Northern California’ - ‘Terrorism, Dissent, and Repression’ - ‘Global Connections, Universal Intuition and Social Movements’ - ‘Luddites, Commons and Utopia’ - ‘Occupy The Imagination : The Politics of Fiction’ - ‘Sex, Race and Class : The Politics Of Winning’ - and many more
For more info : http://bayareaanarchistbookfair.wordpress.com
Poster art by Hugh D’Andrade — www.hughdandrade.com
[Annual Bay Area anarchist bookfair, 17th]
[Annual Bay Area anarchist bookfair, 17th] / Hugh D’Andrade. — San Francisco : Bay Area anarchist bookfair, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (quadri ) ; x × y cm.
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