Espagne : histoire : 1976->



Affichage par année

11 affiches :


    [Jesus Fortez deve rimanere in Italia]

    notice :
    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Jesus Fortez deve rimanere in Italia]. — Carrara Carrare : FAI_ (Federazione anarchica italiana), (Tipolitografica, stampa la Coop (Carrara)). — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.) : n. et b. ; 84 × 60 cm.

    • Affiches par pays  :
    • Lieux d’archivages  :
    • Liste des thèmes  : antimilitarisme
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  : Espagne : histoire : 1976->
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  : Fortez, Jesus
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  : soutien à militants
    notes :
    descriptif :

    Testo e foto

    texte :

    Jesus Fortez deve rimanere in Italia ! No ! al militarismo spagnolo !

    L’anarchico spagnolo Jesus Fortez è in attesa di essere estrdato in Spagna, dove lo attende una lunga detenzione in carcere.

    La sua colpa consiste nell’appartenere a quel movimento libertario che rappresenta un ostacolo concreto al processo reazionario in corso nel paese. Contro quel movimento infatti nel febbraio 1978, veniva organizzata una provocazione che, simile alla Piazza Fontana del 1969, tentava di scaricare sugli anarchici un attentato antiproletario di netta marca padronal-poliziesca, al fine di screditarli e di criminalizzarli, alimentando una tensione sociale che favorisse il passaggio indolore da una forma all’altra dell’oppressione capitalista.

    Oggi come allora il movimento libertario internazionale è impegnato nell’impedire che un altro crimine si compia.

    No ! all’estradizione del compagno Jesus Fortez !

    Roma, Aprile 1982
    Il XV Conresso della FAI

    [stampa … illisible]

    sources :

    [Wildcat Spain encounters democracy 1976-78]

    notice :
    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Wildcat Spain encounters democracy 1976-78]. — London Londres : BM__ Bis, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.) : n. et b. ; 61 × 43 cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Grande-Bretagne / Royaume-Uni
    • Lieux d’archivages  : CIRA (Lausanne)
    • Liste des thèmes  : luttes ouvrières
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  : Espagne : histoire : 1976->
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  :
    notes :
    descriptif :

    [ texte (en défonce, publicié pour l’ouvage du même titre) ; photo (5 hommes assis contre un mur) ]

    texte :

    Wildcat Spain encounters democracy 1976-78

    “Those things which were most attacked, even if they remain intact, were precisely those things which sustain and maintain capitalist relations… When banks and store windows were stoned it wasn’t merely a question of smashing glass crystals but of also smashing the meaning which these places take on as exhibition centres for the circulation of those products. These expressions of festive destruction came to be the means whereby communication was reestablished in the streets.”
    Autonomia Proletaria

    “A worker asked the commandante if now that we were all military we’d receive the same salaries as they did. “Arrest that guy” came the reply… The commandante concluded “And now I want everyone to shout loud and clear “Soldier, long live Spain”.” The railwaymen remained totally silent.”
    Militarised RENFE worker

    “Union strategy has one aim ; to demolish the strikes called by the assemblies, finish with assembly delegates which would be substituted by company union committees elected within the companies, finish with direct democracy within the assemblies and substitute it by the bureaucratic dictatorship of the unions… Up to now the assemblies have only marginalised the unions. Today it is necessary to destroy them.”
    Autonomia Proletaria

    Available from
    BM, bis.
    London WC1V 6XX

    sources :

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