Accueil > 8099 affiches > Animals ? Yeah, scape goats !
[Animals ? Yeah, scape goats !]
Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
- titre :
- [Animals ? Yeah, scape goats !]
- adresse :
- . — London Londres : Unite !,
- description technique (h × l) :
- . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (une : rose , papier rose ) ; 42 × 30 cm
- notes :
- descriptif :
[ texte (sur les morts du Heysel en 1985 et autres, procès en cours) ; photo (supporters de foot) ]
- texte :
Animals ?
Yeah, scape goats !
On 29 May 1985, 39 people died at Heysel Stadium in Belgium
-Due to repairs not carried out to save money
-Due to cramming people in to make more money
-Due to the cops attacking and rounding up the fans, making them stay in the ground for hours before the match with nothing to do
-Due to stupid nationalism
-Due to the media that encourages nationalism and fear -Due to the cops stopping people from escaping onto the pitch
-Due to a system that doesn’t care about our lives, but only about controlling usAnd now 26 young men are to be sacrificed to this same murderous system
In May ’85 Bradford Stadium burnt down, killing 56 because the gates were locked to stop people getting in without paying. The ground was known to be a fire-risk but doing it up would have cut their profits. Verdict — death for the economy. No arrests.
On the same day Birmingham and Leeds fans united to take on the cops. When the cops charged, fans crowded against a wall Lo escape the flying truncheons. The wall collapsed, killing one and injuring many others. Verdict --- death for ’law & order’. No arrests.
They call us animals when we refuse to be herded around and caged up like animals. They don’t care about us fighting each other (except when it puts people off coming to matches, so they lose money), they’re just worried about our violence finding the right tarp is -the shop windows where what we have produced is displayed beyond our reach, the managers who cage us in to stop us interfering with their money-making shows and kill with their lack of repairs, and the cops who control us so the show can go on, at our expence.
Football fans, strikers, black people, squatters, ’scroungers’, gays and lesbians part of the long list of scapegoats that the state pretends to protect us from. But as the list gets longer, as the boot goes in harder, as money gets tighter, we realise that its us, our families, friends, neighbours, workmates that the system is being protected against. Against our anger at our poverty and humiliation. Against our desire and struggle to take back what’s ours - the goods we produce in their factories and can’t afford, our power to produce and to decide how and what to produce, our dignity, our lives, our world.
When we’re together we feel stronger, we want to do something to feel our power. Sometimes we just hit out at what’s nearest, but that changes nothing. Some fans are morons, psychopaths, racist scum - we have to deal with them ourselves, not let the state use them as an excuse to step up their attack on all of us. The state is scared cos they know we’re a threat to them, cos they know we can win.
The 26 charged will appear in court next_ on 10th November, 3.30 at Bow Street. Come and show solidarity.
produced by UNITED ! c/o BM-CRL London WC1N 3XX
sources :- cotes :
Aff0632 - 305609 (cira L)