Accueil > 8095 affiches > 40 years of struggle Spanish workers still, 1936-1976

[40 years of struggle Spanish workers still, 1936-1976]

Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
titre :
[40 years of struggle Spanish workers still, 1936-1976] / Carles Fontserè Carrió
adresse :
. — New York : Come ! Unity Press : International Libertarian Labor Fund,
description technique (h × l) :
. — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (deux  : rouge , noir , couleur en dégradé , papier blanc ) ; 44 × 28 cm
notes :
descriptif :

[ texte ; dessin (paysan à la faucille « Llibertat ! ») par Fontserè ]

texte :

40 years of struggle Spanish workers still - 1936-1976

40th anniversary libertarian revolution halting Franco

Benefit for the underground libertarian unions of the

National Confederation of Labor (CNT)

Monday July 19 - 7 PM

Diego Abad de Santillán
’36 : directorate of the CNT
’76 : in the CNT underground

Augustin Souchy
’36 : headed CNT internat’l dept’
’76 : author & lecturer on Spain

Eugenio F. Granell
’36 : fought with POUM forces
’76 : editor of España libre

Abe Bluestein
’36 : CNT’s English-language spokesman
’76 : Chan, Int. Libertarian labor Fund


International Libertarian Labor Fund

On July 19th 1936, workers in the CNT stifled a Franco coup in Barcelona and elsewhere and set up free collectives. Franco won in the end only with the aid of the US, Hitler, Mussolini and the Western democracies.

Today, we too have a chance to change the course of history. To aid the world’s only mass libertarian working-class movement — now surfacing deflanty in Spain’s seething underground in opposition to totalitarians of right and left, you can send your CNT donation to

International Libertarian Labor Fund
PO Box 733 Cooper Station
New York, NY 10003
Telephone : (212) 477-3355

Sponsored by
Ad hoc CNT committee
Catholic Peace Fellowship
Freie Arbeiter Stimme
General Defense Committee
IWW Forum (Indust’l Workers of the World)
Libertarian Book Club
Local internacional de Nueva York, CGD
and many distinguished individuals

[drawing] (Original Catalan CivilWar poster)

Community Church of NY

35th St. West of Park ave. Optional Contribution

Air conditioned

[text & logo Come ! Unity Press :]
Done at Come ! Unity Press (13 E 17 Street. NYC 10003 (212) 675-3043), a cooperative where we learned to do this printing. The press does not demand $ from us or other movement people who print materials that provide equal access to the poor. The press needs the broad support of many donations monthly piedges of $2, $5, $7, energy, food, skills, joint benefits, etc to continue movement access to printing facilities. Don’t let this be the last month ! Your Move !ment

sources :
cotes :

[ca  1980]

[ca  1980]




[ca  1982]




[ca  1975]

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