Accueil > 8065 affiches > Peter Kropotkin : the development of trade unionism

[Peter Kropotkin : the development of trade unionism]

Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
titre :
[Peter Kropotkin : the development of trade unionism]
adresse :
. — London Londres : Freedom Press, (Co-operative Printing Society (London))
description technique (h × l) :
. — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (une  : noir , papier de couleur ) ; 104 × 78 cm
notes :
descriptif :

[ text ]

texte :

Message from America to Great Britain

On Monday, Jan. 24th, 1898,

Peter Kropotkin

will deliver an adress in the Memorial Hall, Farringdon street, E.C.,

‘The development of trade unionism,’

Which will include the transmission of a message from New York trade unionists to their comrades in Great Britain.

James MacDonald, secretary of the London Trades Council, in the chair.

Organ recital by Mr Frank Merry.

Doors open 7 p.m. ; organ recital at 7-30 ; chair taken at 8 p.m.

Admission to body of hall, 3d ; reserved seats, 1s.

gallery free.

Trade unionists of London attend and hear the message from your American co-workers.

Freedom group lecture committee.

For enquiries, address secretary, 53, Fleet street, E.C.

Co-operative Printing Society, Limited, Tudor street, London, E.C.

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cotes :

BG-L3/410 (iisg)