Accueil > 8095 affiches > Paris Commune : the celebration of the anniversary

[Paris Commune : the celebration of the anniversary]

Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
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[Paris Commune : the celebration of the anniversary]
adresse :
. — London Londres : [s.n.],
description technique (h × l) :
. — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.) : n. et b. ; 76 × 51 cm
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[ text ]

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Paris Commune

The celebration of the anniversary

organised by the English Socialist Societies, will take place

On Monday, March 19th

at the

Store Street Hall,

Store St., Tottenham Court Rd., W.C.

The following speakers will address the meeting :

Annie Besant, John Burns, Eleanor Aveling, H. H. Sparling, Charlotte Wilson, W. M. Morris, P. Krapotkine, F. Kitz, A. Headingly, F. Hicks, Dr. Merlino, Bordes and others.

The chair will be taken at 7.30 p.m. by H. M. Hyndman.

A choir will attend and give a selection of appropriate music.

sources :


Henry Mayers Hyndman (1842-1921), socialist, politician.

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