Accueil > 8092 affiches > Bristol Anarchist Bookfair, 8th, 2016 : radical History Zone

[Bristol Anarchist Bookfair, 8th, 2016 : radical History Zone]

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[Bristol Anarchist Bookfair, 8th, 2016 : radical History Zone]
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. — Bristol : BRHG (Bristol Radical History Group) : Bristol Anarchist Bookfair,
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. — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (quadri ) ; x × y cm
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[ texte ; dessin (3 flèches anti-fa repoussent une flêche avec la croix gammée) ]

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Bristol radical History Group present ;

Rads’ army

Radical History Group

@Hydra Books

34 Old Market St.

Part of Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2016

Saturday 30 April 2016, 11am-6pm, Trinity Centre, BS2 0NW —

12pm - Mike Richardson : The Maltreated and the Malcontents - Working in Barton Hill Cotton Factory, 1838-1914

1pm - Roger Ball and Steve Mills : James Acland and the Bristolian - Keeping it Spikey since 1827

2pm - Dave Wise and Stuart Wise : Veteran Situationists behind King Mob and “Revolt Against Plenty”

3pm - Molly Conisbee : Walk the line - Re-imagining the Way we Travel after the Beeching Axe

4pm - Eileen Turnball : The Real Conspiracy - The Shrewsbury 24 Campaign’s Fight for Justice

5-6.30pm - Ciaran Walsh : Live performance, The Red Dagger by Heathcote Williams, a poem on the Peasants’ Revolt

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