Solidarity Bookshop
1 affiche :
- notice : Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
- notes :
- descriptif :
[ texte ; photos (portraits des Martyrs de Chicago) ]
- texte :
The five Chicago anarchists
✝ November 11th, 1887. ✝
August Spies
A. R. Parsons
Louis Lingg
George Engel
Adolph Fischer
The only photographs, taken May 3rd, 1887, in the County Jail, by J. J. Kanberg, 433 E. Division St., Chicago
On May 4, 1886, at a peaceful rally protesting the wanton killing of strikers from the McCormick Works by police. a bomb was exploded wounding sixty-seven cops and killing seven. Within twenty-four hours several thousand unionists were arrested and held in jail for days while the ruling class prepared its revenge. Though the State offered no evidence of direct implication in the bombing five anarchists were sentenced to death by hanging. Louis Lingg, the only one that the prosecution could prove ever made a bomb, killed himself in his cell. The other four, after appeals were denied, were executed at Noon on November 11, 1887. This reproduction of the five martyrs was originally sold to aid their widows and children. It is sold now to aid the only anarchist bookshop in the country. the Solidarity Bookshop, 745 Armitage, Chicago, lllinois, 60614. Feb. 1968
[The five Chicago anarchists]
[The five Chicago anarchists] / J. J. Kanberg. — Chicago : Solidarity Bookshop, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.) : n. et b. ; 51 × 37 cm.
sources :
[ 1968 ?] |