


Affichage par année

3358 affiches :


    [Call for a month against police]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Call for a month against police]. — Montréal : Montréal contre-information = Montreal counter-information = MTL Contre-info, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (trois  : noir , bleu , jaune , papier blanc ) ; 43 × 28 cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Canada
    • Lieux d’archivages  :
    • Liste des thèmes  : contrôle social  ; insurrectionnalisme  ; police  ; révolte
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  :
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  :
    notes :
    descriptif :
    Symbole(s) utilisé(s) :


    dessins (loups attaquants la police et une prison et slogan «  » ; jeune femme voilée par ses cheveux)

    texte :

    Call for a month against police

    Earlier today (March 5, 2016), at 6 pm, a few friends attacked an SPVM cruiser parked outside of Charlevoix metro in the Montreal neighborhood of Pointe-Saint-Charles by slashing the tires and breaking the windows.

    We want to use this attack as a call for actions against police in Montreal between now and the end of March.

    As the annual demonstration against “police brutality” approaches, we’d like to move away from only being combative with police during an annual demonstration, for which they can prepare extensively and after which social peace is easily restored. We want to show that the police are vulnerable to sabotage, and that this is possible every day of the year. We want fear to change camps. We want to encourage the anarchist space in Montreal to experiment with a diffuse offensive against the daily operations of police, not just on March 15th, but in the entire coming month.

    We scattered copies of this flyer at the site of the smashed cruiser :

    Why we attack the police

    If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering why a few masked individuals just smashed the police car in front of you.

    It was pretty easy to ruin these cops’ day ; we wore scarves, hats, and gloves to conceal our identities, and dedicated twenty seconds to our direct action while one of us was well positioned to watch for police trying to return to their vehicle. We ran a block, changed our outer layer to appear different while keeping our scarves on, and calmly blended back into the crowd as we walked away.

    Allow us to introduce ourselves ; we are those who never felt content to follow the program of metro-boulot-dodo that schools prepare us for ; we are those who see a cop and recognize the legacy of domination they represent and enforce ; we are those who want to struggle to destroy the state, the economy, the apparatuses which force us to conform to the predetermined roles of ‘woman’ and ‘man’, and all the innumerable daily violences this society imposes on us. We want to destroy what destroys us, while simultaneously beginning to create a world less miserable than this one.

    We’re not fooled by the reforms the state offers us to placate these sentiments, because we also recognize that we can’t just adjust the dials on this death-machine of a society, but must set fire to its electrical board. We want a revolutionary rupture with the daily life that forces us into work and acceptable social relations. Outside of large-scale riots and rebellions, we live this desire for something new by sabotaging the systems of domination in whichever ways we can.

    Many of us call ourselves anarchists, though what’s important isn’t what we call ourselves, but rather the rich and inspiring struggle against authority that our actions and projects contribute to. For us, a police cruiser that can no longer patrol the neighborhood hints at the bigger goal of making the system of policing, prisons, and courts non-functional, because this system of repression and control has never and will never be anything but an obstacle to our freedom. It protects and serves the powerful – institutions and people who have more of a say in how we live our lives than we do.

    We hope that the sound of those shattering police car windows resonates with you, and that you’re also disgusted by any obedient citizens who understands this as an attack on their own safety. Time and time again, we see that police only worsen our lives. When there’s a rapist in our neighborhood, we’d far rather see a self-organized group of people respond with baseball bats to the rapists kneecaps, rather than see someone who survived rape be dragged through the courts and made to feel shamed at every turn. We’d far rather the people in our neighborhood who are kept in poverty by bosses and landlords organize to loot the IGA or hold up a yuppie business, rather than steal from and call the police on each other.

    Every year on March 15, there is a protest against “police brutality”. If we want a chance at free lives, we need to bring the fight beyond just the “brutality” or “excesses” of the SPVM. We need to understand that brutal violence and coercion are intrinsic to the police’s very existence. We refuse the narrative that the media and the state feed us – that the problem is individual police and not the entire structure of policing and the world they defend. That’s why when many of us meet in the streets, it’s against all police, and we bring rocks and fireworks to lob at them from behind barricades. We invite you to find us there, and share in this practice of revolt.

    Until next time,
    Your friendly neighborhood anarchists

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    Affiches liées

    [Festival de la CNT, 2016 : Salon du livre]

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    Festival de la CNT, 2016 : Salon du livre]. — Montreuil (Montreuil-sous-Bois) ; Paris : CNT_F (France) : La Parole errante, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (deux  : rouge , noir , papier blanc ) ; x × y cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : France
    • Lieux d’archivages  :
    • Liste des thèmes  : édition
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  :
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  : Davranche, Guillaume (1977-....)  ; Debeuf, Alain  ; Jacquier, Charles  ; Maricourt, Thierry (1960-....)
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  : salon, foire  ; spectacle, concert, fête…
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    Symbole(s) utilisé(s) :

    [ texte ]

    texte :

    Confédération nationale du Travail — 33, rue des Vignoles, Paris XXe

    Festival CNT

    Salon du livre

    24-25-26 juin

    La Parole Errante — 9, rue François-Debergue — Montreuil

    Les éditeurs et revues
    Éditions CNT-TP, Éditions Libertalia, Éditions libertaires, L’Échappée, Éditions Ab-irato - Oiseau tempête, Éditions les Bons caractères, Éditions La Ville brûle, Les Fondeurs de brique, L’œil d’or, Éditions du Sextant, Éditions Albache, Éditions Repas, Éditions Entremonde, Éditions antisociales, Berg international, Éditions du Croquant, Éditions Plein Chant, La Digitale, Les Liens qui libèrent, Lux éditeur, Éditions Tirésias, Éditions Les Prairies ordinaires, Lignes (éditions et revue), Amsterdam, Éditions du Temps perdu, Éditions de L’Éclat, Raison d’agir, revue Ballast, Z, Article XXI, CQFD, Pages 2, Acratie éditions, L’Insomniaque, Infokiosque, Smolny, La Dispute, Parangon / revue Entropia, Hobo diffusion,
    et les librairies Quilombo et Publico

    Les auteurs
    Olivier Pinalie, Patrick Marcolini, Samuel Hayat, Michèle Riot-Sarcey, Julie Duchatel, Thierry Maricourt, Raphaële Perret, Miguel Benasayag, François Jarrigue, Céline Pessis, Renaud Garcia, Christophe Darmengeat, Anselme Jappe, Marin Ledun, Dominique Manotti, Christian Roux, Patrick Pécherot, Guillaume Davranche, Charles Jacquier, Alain Debeuf, William Blanc, Olivier Favier,
    et biens d’autres — — 06 95 45 67 62

    [logo chat cerclé CNT]

    Entrée prix libre

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    Affiches liées

    [Grève des prisonnier.ères aux États-Unis]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Grève des prisonnier.ères aux États-Unis]. — Montréal : Montréal contre-information = Montreal counter-information = MTL Contre-info, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (deux  : noir , bleu , papier blanc ) ; [43 ?] × [28 ?] cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Canada
    • Lieux d’archivages  :
    • Liste des thèmes  : grève  ; prison  ; révolte
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  :
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  :
    notes :
    descriptif :


    photo (manifestation dans une cour de prison)

    texte :

    Grève des prisonnier.ères aux États-Unis

    Le 9 septembre 1971, les détenus de la Facilité Correctionnelle d’Attica, située dans le nord de l’État de New York, ont pris le contrôle de la prison. Le soulèvement d’Attica, qui a duré cinq jours, n’était pas la première ni la dernière des rébellions ayant eu lieu à l’intérieur d’une prison. Pourtant, son importance a marqué de manière indélébile l’histoire de la lutte contre la suprématie blanche et contre la société-prison dans laquelle nous habitons aujourd’hui encore.

    À travers les quarante-cinq années depuis la révolte d’Attica, les prisons gonflent jusqu’à l’explosion sous la pression des tragédies de toutes ces vies interrompues, des familles éclatées et des communautés brisées. Dans la dernière décennie, les mouvements de résistance ont poussé régulièrement derrière les murs des prisons. Partout à travers les États-Unis, les prisonniers.ères sont pleinement réveillé.es et en mouvement : de l’arrêt généralisé du travail dans les prisons de Georgie en 2010, à la grève de la faim qui s’est propagée à travers le système californien de prison en 2013, des incendies dans les centres de détention I.C.E. (Immigration et Contrôle Douanier) au Texas aux émeutes et aux prises de contrôle des prisons au Nebraska et en Alabama. La révolte contre la prison est aussi présente de ce côté-ci de la frontière : à Lindsay, en Ontario, les dé du Centre correctionnel du Centre-Est sont en grève depuis deux ans, demandant la fin de la détention des

    « Nous ne sommes pas des bêtes et on n’a pas l’intention de les laisser nous battre ou nous conduire comme si on l’était… Ce qui s’est passé ici, c’est le bruit précédant la furie des opprimés. »
    – L.D. Barkley, participant à la rébellion d’Attica

    Septembre 9.2016

    En septembre prochain, les prisonniers.ères ainsi que leurs familles et des supporteurs de l’extérieur sont en train de coordonner une grève des prisonniers.ères à travers les États-Unis, laquelle doit avoir lieu lors du 45e anniversaire de la rébellion d’Attica. Cet effort historique porte en son sein le potentiel de s’élargir et de nourrir le mouvement contre les horribles conditions de confinement, les prisons elles-mêmes et la société qui les crée.

    Pour la destruction de toutes les prisons et la création d’une communauté humaine libre et véritable. | |

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    Affiches liées

    [L’anarchico più pericoloso d’America : una storia di Luigi Galleani]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    L’anarchico più pericoloso d’America : una storia di Luigi Galleani]. — Bologna Bologne : [s.n.], . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (deux  : rouge , noir , papier blanc ) ; 42 × 30 cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Italie
    • Lieux d’archivages  :
    • Liste des thèmes  :
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  : États-Unis : histoire  ; Italie : histoire : 1872-1881  ; Italie : histoire : 1882-1911  ; Italie : histoire : 1912-1920  ; Italie : histoire : 1921-1939
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  : Galleani, Luigi (1861-1931)  ; Senta, Toni
    • Presse citée  : Cronaca sovversiva (1903-1919)
    • Vie des mouvements  : conférence, débat…
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    [ texte ; photo (portrait de Luigi Galleani) ; dessins d’après Cronaca sovversiva ]

    texte :

    Cronaca sovversiva

    Venerdì 22 aprile

    Luigi Galleani (1861-1931) è stato, insieme a Errico Malatesta, militante più influente nel movimento anarchico di lingua italiana. Attivo nei conflitti di classe degli ultimi due decenni dell’Ottocento, nel 1900 approda negli Stati Uniti, dove per circa vent’anni redige il giornale “Cronaca Sovversiva”. Definito come "l’anarchico più pericoloso d’America", nel 1919 viene deportato in Italia, dove partecipa al Biennio rosso. II regime fascista lo costringe poi al carcere e al confino. Contrario a ogni organizzazione politica verticistica e burocratica, e fautore di un anarchismo naturalmente ribelle e battagliero, perennemente in rotta con lo sfruttamento capitalista e l’ordine gerarchico.

    Friday, the 22nd of April, 2016 at 9 P.M.
    Modo infoshop,
    Mascarella Street 24B, Bologna

    “L’anarchico più pericoloso d’America”. Una storia di Luigi Galleani

    “Luigi Galleani : the most dangerous anarchist in America”

    Con Sean Sayers, professore di filosofia presso) I Universita di Kent (UK), nipote di Galleani e Tony Senta che introduce e traduce / A speaking with Sean Sayers, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Kent (UK), and grandson of Galleani. Introduced and translated by Toni Senta.


    Luigi Galleani (1861-1931), together with Errico Malatesta, was the most influential figure in the Italian anarchist movement. He was active in the class conflicts of the last two decades of the nineteenth century, he arrived in the US in 1900 where, for almost twenty years, he produced the journal "Cronaca Sovversiva" (Subversive Chronicle). Branded "the most dangerous anarchist in America", he was deported to Italy in 1919, where he participated in the "Two Red Years". The fascist regime then put him in prison and sent him into internal exile. He opposed all forms of hierarchical and bureaucratic organization and championed a militant and revolutionary form of anarchism, permanently in conflict with capitalist exploitation and ruling structures.

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    [Long live De-Gentrification]

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    Long live De-Gentrification]. — Montréal : Montréal contre-information = Montreal counter-information = MTL Contre-info, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (deux  : rouge , noir , papier blanc ) ; 43 × 28 cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Canada
    • Lieux d’archivages  :
    • Liste des thèmes  : insurrectionnalisme  ; révolte  ; urbanisme
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  :
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  :
    notes :
    descriptif :


    photo (silhouettes jetant un ballot de paille ?)

    texte :

    Long live De-Gentrification

    Balade in Saint-Henri loots expensive grocery store

    A balade for de-gentrification took to the streets of Saint-Henri on the evening of May 28, 2016. About 30 people, all in black bloc, strolled down rue Notre-Dame and looted the yuppie boutique grocery store “Le 3734”. As most of the crowd held down the street outside the store, a few people went inside and filled duffel bags with fresh and dry sausages, cheese, maple syrup, and other items. Meanwhile, the storefront was redecorated with graffiti reading ‘Fuck Empire’ and wheatpasted posters that communicated some of the intentions behind the action. After throwing smoke bombs ahead of and behind the crowd on Notre-Dame, people dispersed via the train tracks before police could arrive, and no arrests have been made. In the days that followed, we re-distributed the food to people in the neighborhood who wouldn’t regularly have had access to it. The poster left behind read as follows :

    With the arrival of the condos in Saint-Henri, a multitude of expensive businesses, hipster restaurants, and bourgeois grocery stores followed. Nevertheless, despite this affluence of food, the neighborhood remains practically a food desert for people with little money. Such a paradox it is to live in a world that produces so much food, but that isn’t accessible for those who are hungry.

    May 28th, we tried to recalibrate things a bit, to the extent of our means. We put on masks to protect our identity, we entered one of these extravagant businesses, we took everything we could and we left to redistribute the goods joyously in the neighborhood. Inspired by the recent actions against the police in different neighborhoods and knowing that they were going to show up to protect the property owners, we brought what we needed to protect ourselves.

    Everyone deserves to eat well and there is enough food for everyone ! It is with great pleasure that we organized this pillaging, which is a slap in the face to the forces that impoverish and starve us. We invite everyone to do the same !

    for everyone everything

    Tonight is a great banquet, we celebrate complicity and abundance

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    Affiches liées

    [New Year’s Eve attack on a yuppie car]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    New Year’s Eve attack on a yuppie car]. — Montréal : Montréal contre-information = Montreal counter-information = MTL Contre-info, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (deux  : noir , bleu , papier blanc ) ; [43 ?] × [28 ?] cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Canada
    • Lieux d’archivages  :
    • Liste des thèmes  : insurrectionnalisme  ; sabotage / sabottage
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  :
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  : Hammond brothers  ; Kimble, Michael  ; Kish, Nicole  ; Mason, Marius  ; Romanos, Nikos  ; Sheppard, Emma  ; Swain, Sean
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  :
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    descriptif :


    dessin (chevreuil/cerf de Virginie couché couvant [?] une forêt avec deux cervidés près d’un feu)

    texte :

    New Year’s Eve attack on a yuppie car

    Because Black December is not a staged repetition of previous insurrectional events, but rather a circle of struggle that connects the past with the present, in search of a future where our everyday life will be inundated with acts of attack and rebellion against Power.

    Because, although our bodies are incarcerated between walls and bars, our souls are found in every part of the planet where flags of resistance are raised for a world of freedom.

    Because our hearts stubbornly continue to beat to the rhythm of wild freedom...
    – Nikos Romanos

    “Last december 31st (2015) in the evening, an angry person (me) went over a rather vast distance to a terribly-gentrified neighborhood by the Lachine Canal in Montreal to put an expensive BMW on fire (on Duvernay between Charlevoix and Levis St). I’ll call it an attempt, as I wasn’t around to see what actually happened... yet if no stupid citizen took the risk to intervene to keep the fire from destroying a car, it should have worked. But there is no guarantee.

    Molotoving this damn machine would have been surely more certain. Though at this busy time of the evening, in one of the busiest evenings of the year, I couldn’t afford the risk so I went for a more discreet approach involving chemicals. Hence, I just slipped under one of the rear tires a cup of coffee half-filled with dry chlorine and added some brake fluid to it, then flew the scene without a fuss. I tested this recipe many times already so there’s no reason why it shouldn’t have worked, especially on tires. Here’s for the explanation.

    On the other hand, there are also good reasons why this arson may have been silenced by the police and the mainstream media - or just neighbors who wouldn’t bother calling the cops over a suspicious coffee cup - especially given how this neighborhood is filled with some of the city’s “innocent” upper middle-class, including fancy members of the Inner Party. Obviously they would seek to avoid a scandal with the potential of causing discomfort among this disneyland of the petty bourgeoisie and challenge their disgusting yet delusional sense of social (and racial) supremacy, with all the intestine fluctuations of credit-bubble flatulences this might involve. So, maybe, maybe.

    The only way to make sure that it gets there, for all those sickened by this near-overtly fascistic social formatting -a.k.a “gentrification”- to not have it further steered away from “public view”, would be to keep reproducing such tactics more and more, in busier spots when possible, so that a real inevitable situation is brought upon these small capitalist rats. We need a sustained insurgency taking as many forms and aspects as there are beautiful colors in the rainbow of your clique, your clan, your cult, your couple and your crew.

    Especially to gtfo of these accomodating enclaves might help. If a wanker like me could manage to move my ass out of my own, away from the usual apathy of my buddies just to smash a bit of society... so this possibly means YOU CAN DO IT.

    So you may as well - though not limited to - drop syringes and dog poos on the sidewalks of trendy areas... pepper-spray more bougie bar & grills... punch some White male yuppie’s smug face and poke your fingers in their shallow eyes... dress and make up as a petty bourgeois hipster yourself to fuck everything up from the inside... or just do a really funny surprise attack out of nowhere to trash their places... with their own trash of course. It’s up to you. So many possibilities to grab ! I did that in the context of Black December in solidarity with Michael Kimble and all the other prisoners who’ve been taking part in the recent uprisings in Alabama, along with Emma Sheppard in Britain, the invincible Nikos Romanos, Sean Swain, Nicole Kish, MARIUS Mason and the Hammond brothers.

    But it was primarily as an act of revenge for a female deer that, roughly a year ago somewhere in the Eastern Townships, was found dead in a ditch on the side of the road, while she was still pregnant. It will take hundreds of burned cars to sooth my anger about this poor defenseless creature. So I’ll keep doing this no matter what.

    Fire for hire !

    – an Individual from the Plateau Crew ”

    This poster does not encourage, condemn or condone illegal actions.

    sources :

    Affiche liée

    [Prisoner strike across the US]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Prisoner strike across the US]. — Montréal : Montréal contre-information = Montreal counter-information = MTL Contre-info, . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (deux  : noir , bleu , papier blanc ) ; [43 ?] × [28 ?] cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Canada
    • Lieux d’archivages  :
    • Liste des thèmes  : grève  ; prison  ; révolte
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  :
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  :
    notes :
    descriptif :


    photo (manifestation dans une cour de prison)

    texte :

    Prisoner strike across the US

    On September 9, 1971, the inmates of Attica Correctional Facility in upstate New York seized control of the prison. The Attica uprising, which lasted for five days, was not the first and certainly not the last prison rebellion. And yet its importance is indelibly marked within the history of the struggle against white supremacy and the prison society we still inhabit today.

    In the forty-five years since Attica, prisons have swelled to bursting with the tragedies of disrupted lives, fractured families, and broken communities. In the last decade, resistance movements have steadily grown behind the prison walls. From the statewide work stoppage in Georgia prisons of 2010 to the hunger strike that spread throughout the California prison system in 2013 ; from fires lit in I.C.E. detention centers in Texas to riots and prison takeovers in Nebraska and Alabama, prisoners across the US are wide awake and on the move. Revolt against prisons is also present on this side of the border ; in Lindsay, Ontario, detainees held by CBSA in the Central East Correctional Centre have been on strike for two years demanding an end to immigration detention.

    “We are not beasts and we do not intend to be beaten or driven as such… What has happened here is but the sound before the fury of those who are oppressed.”
    – L. D. Barkley, participant in Attica rebellion

    Septembre 9.2016

    This September, prisoners, their families, and supporters on the outside are coordinating a prisoner strike across the US to take place on the 45th anniversary of the Attica rebellion. This historic effort holds within it the potential to expand and embolden the movement against the horrific conditions of confinement, the prisons themselves and the society that creates them.

    Towards the destruction of all prisons and the creation of a free and genuine human community | |

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    Affiches liées