meetings et manifestations



Affichage par année

1005 affiches :


    [Appel ; Rassemblement - manifestation 29/30 mai 82 - Golfech - Tarn-et-Garonne]

    notice :
    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Appel ; Rassemblement - manifestation 29/30 mai 82 - Golfech - Tarn-et-Garonne]. — Golfech ; Toulouse : CANT (Comité anti-nucléaire de Toulouse), (Imprimerie spéciale [Impr. spéc.]). — 1 affiche (photocop. ) : n. et b. ; 42 × 30 cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : France
    • Lieux d’archivages  : CIRA (Lausanne)
    • Liste des thèmes  : nucléaire  ; procès
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  :
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  : meetings et manifestations
    notes :
    descriptif :

    [ texte : appel à une manifestation ]

    texte :


    Rassemblement - manifestation

    29-30 mai 82 - Golfech - Tarn-et-Garonne

    Contre le nucléaire civil et militaire !

    « Un an après l’élection de Mitterrand nous constatons amèrement qu’aucune promesse n’a été tenue en ce qui concerne le programme nucléaire. Mieux, le Pouvoir s’est livré à une manipulation, véritable tour de passe-passe, qui voudrait nous faire prendre pour de la “démocratie” ce qui n’a été que la servile obéissance aux exigences capitalistes.

    À Golfech, comme à Chooz, Le Carnet, Malville, La Hague, etc., la preuve est faite que comme sous Giscard on tente d’imposer le même programme nucléaire avec la même brutalité policière pour essayer de casser le mouvement antinucléaire.

    Le Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrénées est l’exemple sordide de la pseudo-régionalisation : par deux fois alors qu’il était dans l’opposition il refusa la nuctéarisation de Golfech, aujourd’hui il se plie aux ordres du Gouvernement en acceptant la modique somme de 10 M de F/an pour masquer ses scrupules face à sa trahison.

    En dépit des revirements de nos “ex-alliés”, la Résistance antinucléaire ne faiblit pas dans la région de Golfech.

    En réponse à la forfaiture du Conseil Régional, manipulé par le Gouvernement, la Coordination Régionale antinucléaire de Golfech et la Coordination Nationale antinucléaire organisent le week-end de la Pentecôte à Golfech un rassemblement-manifestation auquel elles appellent toutes les populations concernées et tous les antinuclaires de France et d’ailleurs à participer activement. »
    Golfech - le 25 avril 82

    Samedi 29 mai
    14 h : Fête - débats - film vidéo, etc.
    Soirée : concerts.

    Dimanche 30 mai
    10 h : tournée dans les villages autour de Golfech, discussion avec la population.
    15 h : manifestation offensive sur des objectifs concernant la centrale nucléaire de Golfech (protection du lieu de la fête assurée, camping, etc. Repli, départ et protection de la manifestation assurés).

    CAN-Golfech - 33, bd Victor-Guilhem 82400 Valence-d’Agen (contacts, informations, affiches, programme, etc.).
    CAN-Toulouse - J.-Rémy - BP 208 - 31004 Toulouse Cedex.

    Important : vendredi 7 mai - 14 h : Tribunal de Montauban, procès de 3 copains, arrêtés, tabassés, le soir du 29 nov. à Golfech. Soyons nombreux.

    Imprimerie spéciale du CAN

    sources :

    [Free Roger Noël, a Belgish anarchist imprisoned in Warsaw, Poland ]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Free Roger Noël, a Belgish anarchist imprisoned in Warsaw, Poland ]. — Melbourne : LWSS (Libertarian Workers for a Self-managed Society), . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.) : n. et b. ; 42 × 30 cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Australie
    • Lieux d’archivages  : CIRA (Lausanne)
    • Liste des thèmes  : prison
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  : Pologne
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  : Noël, Roger « Babar » (1955-....)
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  : meetings et manifestations  ; soutien à militants
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    descriptif :

    [ texte ; photo (Roger Noël) derrière barreaux dessinés ]

    texte :

    Free Roger Noël

    a Belgium anarchist imprisoned in Warsaw … Poland

    Roger Noel, a Belgian Anarchist, was arrested and imprisoned by the Polish police on the 6th July, 1982.
    He was charged with helping Radio SolidarnosSc make illegal broadcasts in Warsaw.

    Roger Noël - anarchist militant

    Roger Noël (Babar) has been an Anarchist militant in Belgium for over twelve years. He has been involved in a large number of non-authoritarian campaigns in Brussels over the past decade. Babar was instrumental in the establishment of the first "free radio" in Brussels and is now the chairperson of a co-operative network of "free" radio stations in Belgium. Babar has been prominent in the Belgium anti-nuclear movement and has been involved in the struggle for the rights of migrant workers in Belgium.

    ASBL 22 Mars

    Roger Noël is first and foremost an Anarchist militant. He was disappointed with the inertia of the traditional Belgium Anarchist movement which was academically orientated. Roger Noël with a number of similarly disillusioned Belgian Anarchists pooled their resources and skills and six years ago opened up the ASBL 22 Mars printery. The printery initially began with old machinery but because of the quality of their work and reliability they have built up a large anti-authoritarian clientele and have built up a large printery with modern, up-to-date printing equipment and computer typesetting facilities.

    As well as working with the printery Babar and the other members of the collective produce a monthly anti-authoritarian newspaper (which has an Anarchist insert) As a group they have involved themselves in 3 variety of anti-authoritarian struggles in Belgium.

    ASBL 22 Mars helps solidarity

    Solidarity has its headquarters in exile in Brussels. The ASBL 22 Mars printery printed material for Solidarity which was smuggled into Poland. Roger Noel went into Poland with Belgian food convoys on two occasions. During his stay in Poland, he made contact with various anarcho-syndicalists in Warsaw and brought out valuable information about the situation in Poland.

    In early July, he once again went into Poland with the Belgian food convoys. His knowledge of "pirate" radio stations and how to set up portable "pirate" radio stations was a great asset to the Solidarity underground. He was advising and helping Radio-Solidarnosc make "pirate" broadcasts when he was arrested by the Polish authorities.

    The arrest

    Roger Noël was arrested with two Radio-Solidarnosc workers Madame Romaszewski and Joanna Szczesna on the 6th of July, while broadcasting "illegally" to the Polish people. Fortunately other members making broadcasts were able to escape and after one month "illegal" broadcasts by Radio-Solidarnosc began again. Unfortunately, this second "pirate" radio station was seized by the Polish police on the 31st of August.

    The situation today

    Roger Noël (Babar) has been held in a Warsaw prison since the 6th of July. He has been charged with the offence of helping to make "illegal" broadcasts. Under martial law he is liable to spend the next three to twelve years of his life in prison.

    He has been undergoing repeated interrogations and to date he has not been brought to trial.

    The Belgian Ambassador in Warsaw has been able to see him every four weeks. He is not allowed other visitors and we have recently heard that his health is bad and his morale is low, because of constant harassment by the agents of the Polish dictatorship.

    What can we do ?

    Two members of the Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society stayed with Roger Noël (Babar in April this year while they were in Belgium. During their stay in Brussels they were impressed with Babar’s commitment, enthusiasm and energy in propagating Anarchist ideas in Belgium.

    A ’Free Roger Noel’ committee has been established in Brussels. They are co-ordinating efforts to put pres-sure on the Polish authorities to release him. The Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society urge individuals and groups in Australia and overseas to put pressure on the Polish authorities to release Roger Noel, by
    (a) writing to the Polish embassy, demanding roger Noël’s release, and demand information about
    1) the charge against Roger Noel
    2) information about his health
    3) the date of his trial
    4) the right to send him letters while he is in prison
    5) etc.

    Embassy of the Polish people’s republic
    7 Turrana street
    Yarralumla 2600
    Canberra Australia.

    (b) write to the Belgium embassy, asking about
    1) the charge against Roger Noël
    2) his state of health
    3) what is the Belgian Government doing to secure his release

    Embassy of Belgium
    19 Arkana street
    Yarralumla 2600
    Canberra Australia

    (c) write directly to Roger Noël, to keep up his morale and to let the Polish authorities know that he has friends all over the world who are working for his release

    Roger Noël
    Rakowieck prison
    Warsaw Poland

    (d) raise money for Roger Noel’s defence fund. This should be sent to Brussels, to

    Free Roger Noël Committee
    ASBL "22 Mars"
    2 rue de l’Inquisition
    1040 Brussels
    Belgium Telephone 736 2776

    We, the Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society, urge all individuals and groups who are involved in anti-authoritarian struggles to help Roger Noël. Anarchism knows no national boundaries. International Solidarity is one of the essential elements of Anarchism.

    Roger Noël needs International Solidarity in order to have a chance of being released by the Polish authorities. We urge all people who come across this leaflet to show it to their friends, send it to newspapers, and publicise Babar’s plight, so that international pressure can be brought to bear on the Polish military dictator-ship.

    Please address all enquiries about this leaflet to

    P.O. Box 20
    Parkville 3052
    Melbourne Australia

    The LIBERTARIAN WORKERS is an organised group of people who are unified around the essential demand .for workers and community councils as the basis of real democracy. In these councils people will have equal decision-making and be paid an equal wage. We do not see ourselves as yet another leadership, but merely people in socialist struggle where we live and work. We do not reflect values of leadership internally. Our structure is based on equal decision-making and autonomy. As an individual member or as a minority, different political opinions on the best way to achieve these aims are able to be held and publicly articulated as the position of a minority as opposed to the majority. The function of this statement is to help all those who are in conflict with the present authoritarian social structure, both in industry and in society at large, to generalise their experience. to make a total critique of their conditions and its causes, not just ones of their particular situation, and to build autonomous organisations which will develop the people’s revolutionary consciousness which is necessary if society is to be totally transformed. We encourage you to join an organised struggle for these aims because isolated individual acts, no matter how courageous or hull of integrity, are easily defeated by ruling class oppression.

    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
    Georges Orwell

    [logo :] LW

    Libertarian Workers for a Self-managed Society
    PO Box 20
    Parkville 3052
    Melbourne Australia

    sources :





    Affiches liées

    [Mobilitiamoci sui nostri obiettivi]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Mobilitiamoci sui nostri obiettivi]. — Napoli Naples : Coordinamento Lavoratori della Scuola, ([…] in proprio). — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (une  : bleu ) ; 84 × 60 cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Italie
    • Lieux d’archivages  : Biblioteca Archivio Germinal (Carrara)
    • Liste des thèmes  : contestation  ; éducation  ; luttes sociales (mouvement social)
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  :
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  : journal mural  ; meetings et manifestations  ; protesta
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    descriptif :


    texte :

    Mobilitiamoci sui nostri obiettivi

    La legge cosidetta “del precariato”, in discussione alla Camera con l’accordo sostanziale di partiti e sindacati, comporta :
    — aumento dell’orario per tutti i lavoratori e riduzione dell’occupazione (3 ore di straordinario obbligatorio e aumento del numero di alunni per classe) ;
    — decimazione di incaricati e supplenti non abilitati (concorso selettivo con prove scritte e orali) ;
    — discriminazione nei confronti dei supplenti non abilitati : saranno contrapposti agli incaricati delle scuole private, ammessi ai concorsi abilitanti riservati, il tutto per premiare ancora i covi di lavoro nero che sono le scuole private.

    Il movimento dei precari e lavoratori della scuola è in lotta da più di quattro anni contro questa logica e ripropone con la lotta i suoi obiettivi unificanti :
    — NO ai licenziamenti nella scuola. NO al concorso. Illicenziabilità dopo 180 giorni di servizio nell’anno. Graduatorie automatiche di reclutamento.
    — NO all’aumento dell’orario di lavoro.
    — Difesa e ampliamento degli attuali livelli occupazionali. 20 alunni per classe.

    Su questa piattaforma, dopo lo sciopero nazionale del 14/12/81, sono già scesi in lotta i lavoratori di alcune provincie, anche attuando il BdS a febbraio.

    Anche a Napoli sta crescendo la mobilitazione contro i licenziamenti e l’aumento dei carichi di lavoro. I lavoratori di molte scuole si sono pronunciati contro il DDL 2777 aderendo alla proposta di lotta del Coordinamento Nazionale dei Lavoratori della Scuola :

    una settimana di agitazione dal 29/3 al 3/4 con articolazione provinciale
    sciopero nazionale il 23/4 con delegazione di Massa al ministero P.I. e all’assemblea nazionale a Roma

    Mobilitiamoci per queste scadenze :
    a Napoli assemblea regionale il 26/3 ore 17 al politecnico
    sciopero provinciale il 31/3 con concentramento al provveditorato alle ore 10 e conferneza stampa

    Discutiamo nelle scuole dei nostri problemi, indicendo assemblee in orario di lavoro. Formiamo comitati di zona. Partecipiamo alle riunioni del Coordinamento Lavoratori della Scuola di Napoli che si tengono tutti i venerdi, alle ore 18, al Politecnico.


    sources :

    [Monumento a tutte le vittime del fascismo]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Monumento a tutte le vittime del fascismo]. — Carrara Carrare : FIAP (Federazione Italiana Associazioni Pertigiane), . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (une ) ; 84 × 60 cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Italie
    • Lieux d’archivages  : Biblioteca Archivio Germinal (Carrara)
    • Liste des thèmes  : fascisme et antifascisme  ; terrorisme
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  : Italie : histoire : 1940-1945
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  : journal mural  ; meetings et manifestations
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    testo e fotografie

    texte :

    FIAP - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Pertigiane

    Monumento a tutte le vittime del fascismo

    Cittadini !, antifascisti !

    La notte del 15 maggio 1981, una carica esplosiva demoliva parzialmente il monumento, da poco inaugurato, che ricorda tutte le vittime del fascismo.

    A dieci mesi di distanza dal criminale atto fascista, il monumento è stato ora ricomposto e verrà nuovamente inaugurato.

    Domenica 4 aprile alle ore 10

    La manifestazione si terrà nel luogo dove è collocato il monumento : Marina di Carrara, località ‘Paradiso’ presso il ristorante ‘La Morgana’, con la partecipazione del sindaco di Carrara Alessandro Costa e Paolo Vittorelli e con Umberto Marzocchi, segretario generale della Commissione di relazioni Internazionali delle Federazioni Anaechiche. Presenterà Ugo Mazzucchelli.

    la FIAP invita i partigiani, tutti gli antifascisti, la popolazione, a partecipare alla manifestazione.
    Carrara 17.3.1982

    Federazione italiana Associazioni Partigiane

    (Riproduzione del’articolo di giornale sull’accaduto)

    sources :

    [8 settembre 1943… sabato 10 settembre 1983]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    8 settembre 1943… sabato 10 settembre 1983]. — Carrara Carrare : [s.n.], . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.) : n. et b. ; x × y cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : Italie
    • Lieux d’archivages  : CDA (FA, Paris)
    • Liste des thèmes  : fascisme et antifascisme  ; lutte armée
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  : Italie : histoire : 1940-1945
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  : meetings et manifestations
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    descriptif :

    [ texte ]

    texte :

    8 settembre 1943

    Dopo venti anni di ingiustizie, di abusi, cominciate con le distruzioni delle Camere del Lavoro : dopo venti anni di regno incontrastato delle squadre punitive ; dopo le avventure imperiali, le conquiste ; dopo quattro anni di guerra ; dopo aver fatto centinaia di migliaia di vittime ; dopo aver in ogni modo provato la propria superiorità, stabilità…

    Tutti a casa !!! l’Italia si ritira dalla guerra. Il fascio è crollato.

    In quei giorni si rafforza il movimento di liberazione, che dalle montagne scenderà combattendo per un mondo nuovo libero e giusto.

    Sabato 10 settembre 1983

    alle ore 18.00 a Colonnata (Carrara) commemorazione dell’inizio della lotta di liberazione.

    Inaugurazione di una lapide a ricordo dei compagni caduti sulla strada della libertà.

    VV l’anarchia

    impr. …

    sources :

    [Marche pour l’égalité]

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    Image (fixe ; à 2 dimensions)
    Marche pour l’égalité] / Michel Balme. — Lyon : [s.n.], . — 1 affiche (impr. photoméc.), coul. (deux  : noir , bleu , papier blanc ) ; x × y cm.

    • Affiches par pays  : France
    • Lieux d’archivages  : CDA (FA, Paris)
    • Liste des thèmes  : égalité et inégalité  ; racisme et antiracisme
    • Géographie, géopolitique et Histoire  :
    • Noms cités (± liste positive)  :
    • Presse citée  :
    • Vie des mouvements  : meetings et manifestations
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    descriptif :

    [ texte : dessin (pieds d’un marcheur — avec pantoufle charentaise et babouche — sur fond de campagne et de Tour Eiffel) par Michel Balme ]

    texte :

    Marche pour l’égalité

    Rassemblant les habitants de France de toutes origines pour la constitution d’une société solidaire.

    Marseille 15 octobre / Paris 3 décembre

    Coordination nationale : CIMADE, SOS Avenir Minguettes, MAN
    3, rue Diderot 69001 Lyon - Tél. : (7) 828 47 89

    Soutien financier : Maurin, CCP 2 834 34D Lyon (mention marche pour l’égalité)

    sources :